Make a powerful new statement with your mailing campaigns with the new BIOLOPE made from recycled delivery boxes and post consumer waste, vegetable ink and water based glue and gum BIOLOPE is fully biodegradable and compostable and the ULTIMATE green credential for your brand image and campaigns.
Designed for retail, charity, utility, greeting card and other sectors
Reduce your carbon footprint immediately. We produce in a cost effective and competitive way in the UK to make this available to as many companies as possible who share our vision and focus

Note that Biolope is unrelated to Biolope Limited which is a company formally named Craftstyle Limited that has adopted our product name without permission
Why should you use Biolope in your business or campaign?
To begin with our paper is made from recycled delivery boxes and post consumer household waste paper. It is biodegradable in the earth and water plus it is fully compostable. Ultra low carbon footprint in all aspects of the UK production process
Improve your response rate by getting more potential customers opening your campaign envelopes and increase your eco credentials at no additional cost
After opening an envelope the natural desire is put it in a recycle bin. That will start a whole new chain of recycling processes which will add up a huge additional carbon footprint
The new BIOLOPE option is to either compost or bury it in the ground
Did you know that red Xmas
envelopes contain toxic dye that cannot be recycled and goes into landfill?
Unless of course its a red BIOLOPE
** Stop press ** BIOLOPE can also have an ANTI BACTERIAL COATING applied on the outside
For companies producing direct mail BIOLOPE is surprisingly cost effective against conventional paper wrap and standard envelopes
BIOLOPE can be printed four colour process for advertising using vegetable biodegradable inks and you can have the window on the reverse to create a fantastic canvas for your customer message on the front
Choose from Natural, White and printed. Diamond flap or wallet in popular sizes and reverse mounted windows
BIOLOPE is machine fillable on high speed Burhs lines. Fully tested by First Move Ltd. See the video link below

Contact us and lets start the conversation
Lets start the first R-evoloution
of the envelope this century
Call +44 1234 760700 for more information or email us info[at]biolope.com